Select a payment
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Select your payment type and click 'Next'.

To make more than one payment, such as paying rates for two properties, click the ‘Add another payment' button at the end of your first payment process.

Read the terms and conditions for online services.
Payment type
RatesMake a full or part payment on your Council rates. Have your rates notice ready.
Fines and infringements
Payment type
Parking fineHave your parking infringement notice ready.
Animal fineHave your infringement notice ready.
Local law fineHave your infringement notice ready.
Asset protection fineHave your infringement notice ready.
Environmental health fineHave your infringement notice ready.
Engineering transport fineHave your infringement notice ready.
Planning enforcement fineHave your infringement notice ready.
Pool InfringementsHave your infringement notice ready.
Payment type
Cat Registration New & RenewalHave your animal registration invoice or renewal notice ready.
Dog Registration New & RenewalHave your animal registration invoice or renewal notice ready.
Payment type
Building, planning, road or asset permit feeHave your invoice ready.
One-off services
Payment type
One-off service feeHave your reference number ready.
Licences and permits
Payment type
Licence or permit feeHave your invoice or renewal notice ready.
Debtor invoices
Payment type
Debtor invoiceHave your Council tax invoice or statement ready.